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NEW - strength training class with light weights

Rental by instructor Sarah Baldwin. 11:00 am

Meditation, Baldwin, 10:30 - 

Venise, 1:30 - 5:00

Catherine, 1-4:30

All the trips are open to the public! FMI stop by the Center for a flyer, see the online links below, or call Jill at 729-0757.

Music in April is the signature fundraiser for People Plus, and this year we are delighted to say that we smashed all previous records, raising over $93,500 for the event!

The 16th annual Brunswick Area Teen Center Scoop-a-thon fundraiser, held April 24, 2024 at Gelato Fiasco in Brunswick, raised $12,455 for the Teen Center – breaking the record for income and sponsorship! 


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