Welcome to People Plus in Brunswick, Maine!

The mission of People Plus is to support an engaged, healthy, and independent life for older adults, while joining others to build community for all ages. 

Latest News

Registration is now open for the 13th annual People Plus Senior Health Expo, in partnership with Spectrum Generations. The Expo will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at the Brunswick Recreation Center in Brunswick from 9 am - 1 pm.

P. Jay Fleisher, Professor Emeritus, State University of New York (and a member of People Plus!), will “break the ice” on the topic of glacier formation and movement, including recent changes at our FYI! event, Thursday, Sept. 19, 1:30 pm. Jay will highlight his field work in Alaska and other alpine terrain.

This presentation on Monday, Sept. 23 at noon, describes what happens in our brain as delicate nerve connections are lost in the aging process and the impact that has on our thought process.

People Plus is offering a new strength training class on Wednesdays at noon, “Growing Stronger.” This class, with instructor Bea Blakemore, offers gentle strength-training using light weights and resistance bands to increase strength, flexibility, balance, and all-important bone density.

People Plus’ newest club, a Ukulele Club, meets next on Tuesday, August 13, at 2:30 pm. The group will meet the second Tuesday of each month, hopefully increasing to twice-monthly in the fall.

All the trips are open to the public! FMI stop by the Center for a flyer, see the online links below, or call Jill at 729-0757.