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Exercise Classes

People Plus offers a variety of classes. Classes are $5/class for members and $10/non-members. Many classes are available as free videos online (click here).  Classes are subject to change - please check our online calendar for exact times.

Chair Yoga - Instructor Bea Blakemore. A wonderful blend of breathing and stretching to improve balance, stability and peace-of-mind. Offers poses and helpful techniques to be your most comfortable self. Activities occur seated in a chair.

Growing Stronger - Instructor Bea Blakemore. Don’t just grow older - GROW STRONGER! Using light weights and resistance bands, this class will help you improve your strength and resilience.


Loosen Up! - Instructors Bea Blakemore and Suzanne Neveux. A typical session (standing and seated) Includes resistance training, core strengthening, and exercises intended to improve balance and posture. Take it once, twice or three times each week.


Qigong - Instructor Suzanne Neveux. Related to Tai Chi but with simpler movements. Will help improve your balance and enhance personal energy. Involves meditation and coordinating slow-flowing movement. Performed standing (can be modified for chair).

Tai Chi – Instructor Suzanne Neveux. Exercises your mind and body. Series of slow, gentle motions performed while standing (can be modified for chair). The body is challenged with moving slowly to keep your feet underneath you to enhance the power of your movements.

Yoga - Instructors Ann Kimmage and Maya Rook.  Stretch, flex, breathe and relax for optimum well-being. Utilizes blocks and straps. Please bring your own mat.

Zumba  - Instructor Bea Blakemore. Aerobic and dance moves set to popular music. Low-impact for seniors.