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Join our very own Membership Coordinator Frank Connors as he shares the letters he wrote home during 1967, the year he spent in Vietnam with the 173rd Airborne. Free, open to the public.

Meet at People Plus at 9:30 am. 

9-1 pm Cook’s Corner Mall

Are you curious about the magnificent trees that make downtown Brunswick so special?

Hosted by Spectrum Generations. 6 weeks. Mondays, 1:30-4 pm. Hall. 11/6-12/11.

Spectrum Generations Meals on Wheels also delivers pet food to their clients! Head to Petco in Topsham today and help Cram the Van with donations to support the AniMeals program! 11-3 pm.

Follow Frank to his old digs in Bowdoinham for a visit to the classically restored Jellerson School House.


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