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Author's Chat: Rita Losee, "Soaring Seniors"

Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2:30 pm when author Rita H. Losee, ScD, RN will share Stories, Steps and Strategies for Living Full-Out After Fifty, Sixty, Seventy from her book, Soaring Seniors.

As a 30 year-old maried woman with an adorable toddler who was napping, Rita Losee read Helen Keller’s words,”Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” A bolt of energy strong enough to light up Manhattan shot through her body. On the spot, she decided to live a life of adventure. In the intervening decades, Losee has been stood on the summit of 19,350 ft. Mt. Kilimanjaro, been a proficient rock climber, completed the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon (12 hours, 45 minutes, 27 seconds) solo-through-hiked the 2175 mile Appalachian Trail at age 58.

Her professional background includes nursing (her first career), nursing management, professional speaking, and customer service consultant. The toddler was joined by a brother. Both sons are adults with families of their own. One of the reasons Losee wrote this book was so her GRANDkids and those of millions of other grandparents create a legacy of soaring for seniors.

Currently, Losee resides in Brunswick, ME during the winter months. During the summers, she lives in a fifth wheel on the water in West Bath where she gardens, swims, walks, runs, and exults in being outdoors. One of her favorite summer activites is working part-time at Monkey C Monkey Do, a rope climbing course where she goes to “play for pay.’

Free, open to the public. Registration is appreciated.