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Two People Plus Volunteers

Example of Event Happening Today

The Event content type is a like the Article content type with Date Field. The Event content type must have a start date. It can have an end date or be set to be all day. You can also create a rule to have the Event repeat over multiple dates.

This Event has a start date of the  today and it will be displayed in the header of the site with links to more Events.

Events can have a full width Lead Image. The Lead Image is also used as the image with the summary text on lists of Events.

The Map field is a text field that will convert an address into a Google Map. The Article, Block Content, and Basic Page content types also have Map fields.

Abigo adipiscing esse premo quidne vereor. Search Engines give more weight to links that use good keywords over ‘click here’ when you create a link. Ille refero vulputate. Abdo causa ea in saluto suscipit usitas. Cogo cui ideo quadrum. Abico amet commodo commoveo immitto jumentum melior sagaciter utinam. Autem commodo esca pala. Acsi brevitas esse exputo gilvus nimis quae. Bene ex magna olim quadrum usitas uxor velit. Augue gravis haero illum in tum valde. Hendrerit luctus similis. Aptent dolus facilisis iriure roto ulciscor usitas. Bene melior meus suscipere veniam. Acsi enim in incassum iusto neo quia scisco. Augue bene interdico odio pertineo typicus valetudo veniam voco wisi.