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Aging Parent Series - Navigating the Journey

NEW: Aging Parents Series – Navigating the Journey

Tuesday, 8/21, 6:00-7:30 pm

Dealing with the challenges presented as we age can be both tricky and frustrating. If we are lucky enough to still have parents by the time we hit our 50s, then helping them navigate the journey of aging can be an additional challenge. Where will they live? How do you have the talk about giving up the car keys? What are the legal issues that arise? We find these questions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dealing with aging parents.

People Plus, Mid Coast-Parkview Health, Spectrum Generations and Rousseau Management present a new “after work” series, focusing on resources to help with your aging parents. Topics will include transportation, housing, medical, legal, and more! Free, open to the public. Call 729-0757 to register.  Join us at People Plus as we provide critical and helpful information, as we all take this journey together.